Ocean Colour Climate Change Initiative: Data Processing Frameworks
Groom, Steve1; Grant, Mke2; Fomferra, Norman3; Brockmann, Carsten3; Brockmann, Carsten3; Sathyendranath, Shubha1; Sathyendranath, Shubha1
1Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UNITED KINGDOM; 2PML, UNITED KINGDOM; 3Brockman Consult, GERMANY
Ocean Colour Climate Change Initiative project aims to: develop and validate algorithms to meet the Ocean Colour GCOS ECV requirements for consistent, stable, error-characterized global satellite data products from multi-sensor data archives; produce and validate, within an R&D context, the most complete and consistent possible time series of multi-sensor global satellite data products for climate research and modelling; optimize the impact of MERIS data on climate data records; generate complete specifications for an operational production system; and strengthen inter-disciplinary cooperation between international Earth observation, climate research and modelling communities, in pursuit of scientific excellence.
The ESA OC CCI project is following a data reprocessing paradigm of regular re-processing utilising on-going research and developments in atmospheric correction, in-water algorithms, data merging techniques and bias correction. This requires flexibility and rapid turn-around of processing of extensive ocean colour datasets from a number of ESA and NASA missions to both trail new algorithms and methods and undertake the complete data set production.
This presentation will describe the OC CCI algorithms, the data processing chain and the systems used to undertake the processing. In particular, the Hadoop-based bulk processing system (Calvalus) and the quality control system will be presented.
The presentation will include examples of data produced using the OC CCI system and describes its validation and inter-comparison results.